Well Rested

Well Rested

Long gone are the reckless caffeine filled days and Adderall fueled all-nighters. It made so much sense, but not enough cents at the time; didn’t it? You’ll sleep when you’re dead they said, but what horrible advice for the relentless. What a horrible way to live for the fearless and always determined.

Though, for some of them it seemed like it worked, but for the rest of us, a spark burnt out before it could reach a full flame.
You’re wiser now and have been for some time.

The secret is in the balance and to pass the test you needed the rest. This chapter is all about pace, a light jog rather that a full sprint or a full out chase. Load management of your energy is a fitting analogy. Making an impact while you sleep with no apology.

The only all nighters pulled now are a result of a child’s cry or teared eyes because life didn’t shake out how you planned or because maybe it actually did.

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